Schlong 'Punk Side Story'

Schlong 'Punk Side Story'


  • $12.00

Three words: genius, pure genius. Schlong basically got together with a whole bunch of their friends and decided to record a drunken, spastic version of West Side Story in its entirety. The results are just hysterical, with not one stone left unturned. Schlong and company retell this modern day Romeo and Juliet story, only with more of an absurd twist. Everything from their sloppy rendition of the "Jet Song" to the male/female dual screaming of "Tonight" to "I Feel Pretty," which is led by an off key baritone and screechy vocals, can all be found here. But the highlight is "Dance at the Gym," which jumps from sloppy speed metal to danceable ska to country to a slow-dance love ballad. Even if Schlong go out of their way to completely butcher this entire soundtrack, it's their way of introducing one of the last great musicals to a whole new generation of...punks. ~ Mike DaRonco

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